Award winning author Zsuzsi Gartner returns to Whistler for a two-day writing workshop.

The workshop on Sundays, dates to be announced, from 1-5pm tackles the important task of rewriting in a variety of genres and is suitable for both emerging and published writers of short fiction, novels, creative non-fiction, and personal essay and memoir.

What do you do after the first (or even 3rd) draft? Do you tinker and tweak, and nip ‘n’ tuck (the literary equivalent of cosmetic surgery), but are afraid to “kill all your darlings,” as Faulkner advised? Are you using an old patch kit, rather than admitting you may need a new bicycle tire or a whole new set of wheels? Are you ready to kick it up a notch?

Gartner’s workshop will help you revise, re-vision, and, importantly, re-envision your writing — both externally and looking into its guts. It will tackle structure, voice & point of view, thematic resonance, pacing, and more. Participants will learn ways to read their own work more objectively; be inspired by examples of major revisions by renowned writers; and get tips on how to deal with the suggestions made by their writing group, or their fiction and non-fiction editors.

It’s often said that revising is where the real work begins, but it’s also exhilarating and deeply rewarding. As a New Yorker non-fiction writer once observed, “Revision is when the party begins!”

Good writing is essentially rewriting. I am positive of this. — Roald Dahl

“I have rewritten—often several times—every word I have ever published. My pencils outlast their erasers.” —Vladimir Nabokov

Presented by

The Point Artist-Run Centre Society

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