Post-it Perseverance

by Gillie Easdon My laundry room/office cupboard door is bedecked in square post-it notes, pink for storyline and chapters, blue for additional notes to explore and plum for research yet to do on things like ABI (acquired brain injuries) and Bayou prawns. This skeleton, sans a bunch of bones still, is proof to me that […]

We All Need Our Personal Hamburg

by Katherine Fawcett It’s 1962, 4:30 on a Tuesday morning and an unknown band is wrapping up their set in a gritty tavern on the outskirts of the red-light district in Hamburg, Germany. It’s 2016, 10:30 on a Tuesday evening and a little-known writer is unloading the dishwasher in a quiet Canadian town. The tavern […]

Gunn, Genni

Gennie Gunn

GENNI GUNN is a writer, translator and musician. She has published three novels: Solitaria (Signature Editions), nominated for the Giller Prize 2011; Tracing Iris, made into a film titled The Riverbank; and Thrice Upon a Time, finalist for the Commonwealth Prize. She has also published two story collections, and two poetry collections, one of which was a finalist for the Gerald Lampert Poetry Award. Her two poetry […]

Wright, Ronald

Historian, novelist, and essayist RONALD WRIGHT is the award-winning author of ten books of fiction and nonfiction published in 16 languages and more than 40 countries. Much of his work explores the relationships between past and present, peoples and power, other cultures and our own. A Short History of Progress was the best-selling book in the […]

Woodward, Caroline

CAROLINE WOODWARD is the author of Disturbing the Peace (Polestar, 1990), which was nominated for the Ethel Wilson BC Book Prize, Alaska Highway Two-Step (Polestar, 1993), which was shortlisted for an Arthur Ellis Award for Best First Mystery, Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny (Oolichan, 2010) and two children’s books that have also been nominated […]

Williams, Megan

MEGAN WILLIAM’S first book, Our Interrupted Fairy Tale, is a real-life love story, uniquely told from both Megan and her partner, Chad Warren’s perspectives. The story details the raw intimacies of being young, in love and in a serious relationship with someone fighting an incurable blood cancer. After its release in February 2014, Our Interrupted […]

Wigmore, Gillian

GILLIAN WIGMORE is the author of three books of poems: soft geography (Caitlin Press, 2007), winner of the 2008 ReLit Award, Dirt of Ages (Nightwood, 2012), and Orient (Brick Books, 2014), as well as a novella, Grayling, (Mother Tongue Publishing, 2014). Her work has been published in magazines, shortlisted for prizes and anthologized. She lives in Prince George, […]


JAMES WALT is one of the country’s leading chefs, cookbook authors, and a “farm-to-table” pioneer who inspires guests with regional cuisine based on fresh, sustainable ingredients. A graduate of the Stratford Chefs School, his impressive culinary career spans leading restaurants including Sooke Harbour House, Blue Water Cafe and the Canadian Embassy in Rome, Italy. His […]

White, Howard

HOWARD WHITE was raised in a series of camps and settlements on the BC coast and never got over it. He is still to be found stuck, barnacle-like, to the shore at Pender Harbour, BC. In the early 1970s he started editing the bestselling series Raincoast Chronicles and founded the award-winning book publishing company Harbour Publishing. […]

Warland, Betsy

BETSY WARLAND has published 12 books of poetry, creative nonfiction, and lyric prose including her best-selling 2010 book of essays on writing, Breathing the Page—Reading the Act of Writing. In 2013, Warland created a new publishing template: an interactive salon that features excerpts from her manuscript Oscar of Between, guest writers and artist’s work and […]